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Cupping Therapy

Answering your questions about cupping therapy


What is cupping therapy?

Cupping therapy is the use of suction on the body to lift up the skin, fascia (the layer between skin & muscles), muscles and nerve fibers. 

This suction process is known as a negative pressure (lifting up layers) which results in a reduction of pain sensation as the nerve fibers associated with these areas are desensitized. 

 It also increases the blood flow to these areas causing a rush of rich oxygenated blood and helps remove inflammation mediators via stimulation of the lymphatic system. 


What types of cupping do you offer?

Dry cupping involves the use of vacuum pressure within a plastic or silicone cup which is placed on the skin to create a lifting effect. This process lifts up the skin and its deeper components i.e. fascia, muscle and nerve fibers. It also increases blood flow bringing rich oxygenated blood while stimulating the lymph to drain away pathogenic agents and inflammation mediators.

Sliding cupping is the use of the dry cupping method but moving the cups along either muscle groupings, lymphatic system or nerve pathways. The results are similar to dry cupping but with a greater increase in heat within the targeted areas.

Fire cupping is the use of fire within glass cups to create the suction and place it onto the targeted area. This creates a stronger suction than the dry cupping method and allows for a deeper therapeutic effect into the target area.  This technique is usually used in arthritic or chronic muscle pain conditions.

Wet cupping is also known as Hijamah (Arabic) this method should only be provided by a professionally trained medical practitioner as it is a minor medical procedure. It is important to adhere to strict clinical guidelines to prevent injury and infection during this procedure. 

This method uses a sterile blade and sterile plastic cups, small incisions are made on the skin to remove inflammatory markers and pathogenic causing agents. This method differs from the above-mentioned cupping methods as it directly removes the chemical markers thus increasing therapeutic effects.

Please visit our blog for more in-depth information. 


Is one cupping type superior to the other?

The type of cupping is solely dependent on the presenting complaint and the health status of the individual.

Secondly, it is important to understand the human anatomy and its relation to illness conditions before applying cups to areas of the body as cupping/ Hijamah works on the multiple nerves, lymph & energy pathways. For this reason, all registered Unani Tibb practitioners practice under the Health & safety guideline policy as legislated by AHPCSA to ensure the safety of patients and practitioners.

It is important to have cupping done by a registered professional who will provide the best-suited therapy for your condition.

If you have any other questions, please do get in touch with us

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