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What is Unani Tibb?

Unani Tibb is an ancient indigenous healing system that stems from Greek - Arab origins and is recognized in South Africa as a Complementary Medicine specialisation. 
Unani Tibb emphasises a simplistic philosophy called Temperament to assess and address six lifestyle factors namely; Food and Drink, Environment and Breathing, Movement and Rest, Sleep and Wakefulness, Emotions and Feelings, Elimination process.
It promotes a holistic practice of medicine through various therapeutic options. The most well-known are cupping therapies or Hijamah although this is one of many therapies offered. Please see our service page for further information.

What is cupping therapy?

Cupping therapy is the use of suction on the body to lift up the skin, fascia (the layer between skin & muscles), muscles and nerve fibers. 

This suction process is known as a negative pressure (lifting up layers) which results in a reduction of pain sensation as the nerve fibers associated with these areas are desensitized. 

It also increases the blood flow to these areas causing a rush of rich oxygenated blood and helps remove inflammation mediators via stimulation of the lymphatic system.

For more information check out our Cupping therapy FAQ

Where can one verify if a Practitioner is registered?

In South Africa, registered Complementary Medicine Practitioners are required to register with 

The Allied Health Practitioners Council of South Africa (AHPCSA) and a registration list for all practitioners are found on their website. AHPCSA regulates under the Allied Health Professions Act 63 of 1982

The South African Tibb Association (SATA), provides a list of Reg. Unani Tibb Practitioner & their practice details. Keep an eye on their Social Media Pages for more information on Unani Tibb events 

Is Unani Tibb Practitioners covered by Medical Aid?

Yes, Medical Aids do cover Registered Unani Tibb Practitioners although it is dependant on your medical aid options. 
Medical Aids which currently provides coverage are Bonitas and Discovery. 
We do employ and encourage patients to submit their claims to other Medical Aid to increase awareness of patient usage of Unani Tibb services.

Still have questions? I’d love to hear from you.

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